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Shaun H. Ruff

Get to Know More About Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD refers to a condition involving a group of behavioral signs and symptoms such as hyperactivity, inattentiveness, and impulsiveness, that is usually noticed at a very young age and diagnosed mostly in children between six to twelve years old. The manifestations of ADHD are noticeably seen in children when they started schooling any change in routine or circumstances, which may also cause anxiety and sleep disorders upon adulthood. If your child’s behavior is noticeably different from most children showing constant signs of inattentiveness and restlessness, you need to raise this concern to a licensed medical doctor or psychiatrist, as well as your child’s teacher and special education coordinator.

Studies have shown that genetics or heredity plays a crucial role in the occurrence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder but the exact cause is generally unknown. Low birth weight, prematurity, smoking, and alcohol and drug abuse may also play a role in the development of ADHD. One fact about ADHD is that there is no cure for it, but it is possible to reduce the signs and symptoms, making less of a problem in their everyday life through medication, educational support, behavioral therapy, occupational therapy, and other psychological therapies. Methylphenidate, dexamfetamine, lisdexamfetamine, atomoxetine, and guanfacine are the different types of medication to treat ADHD. These medications can reduce the symptoms of ADHD so it greatly help a patient to concentrate or focus better, less impulsive, feel more relaxed and calmer, and promotes learning and practising of a new skill. There is an important role that behavioral therapy plays when it comes to managing ADHD that encourage a particular skill or good behavior and modify poor behavior. In order to better understand the nature and management of ADHD, there are are special education programs intended for children with ADHD and these also include parent training. It is also important for children with ADHD to have social skills training so they become aware of how their behavior can affect other people.

When it comes to cognitive behavioral therapy, it helps in changing or modifying a poor behavior to a socially acceptable and positive one. It is best to consult medical advice before cutting out foods even though it is thought that food colors, sugar, caffeine, and additives may worsen hyperactivity. There are great challenges that parents face taking care of their children with ADHD such as a child having trouble getting and carrying out instructions, sleeping at night, attending special occasion, organization, and social interaction. Learn more about the facts of other behavioral or learning disabilities like Aspergers and autism, feel free to check our website or homepage for details.5 Key Takeaways on the Road to Dominating Health

Practical and Helpful Tips: Wellness

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