People, who put importance in the role of nature and its resources for man to use it, believes that illness is due to the lack of harmony with nature and man, like a disintegration between the levels of mind-body-emotion-spirit in man, such that the going out of sync with these levels, especially the mind, is due to the fact that the thought processes of the mind is superseding or overriding the emotion and spirit levels, thus, results into affecting the body function. The nature’s way of healing has been proven to be the most effective way of eliminating any type of pain, suffering or illness, because it’s holistic approach is focused on the root cause of the health problem. The treating, managing and suppressing application processes on symptoms do not necessarily remove the causative factors and that’s why sick people have become dependent on pharmaceutical drugs, which actually contribute to the decline of the health.
The majority of impurities in our body, such as toxins, acidosis, wastes, mucus and harmful parasites, come from dietary habits and lifestyle choices and nature has a way of healing the body from these impurities through the process of detoxification. It is essential for us to understand that our body has has been designed to respond harmoniously to the laws of nature, such that what nature has to offer in terms of raw plant foods and herbs are essential for our body’s cell function.
In order for the body cells to thrive and perform its normal function, our body chemistry needs to be alkaline and oxygen rich, because once our body becomes too acidic, our blood will have a tendency to coagulate and the lymphatic system will stagnate and when this happens, our organs and glands will start failing in their ability to function at an optimal level, which then results into blood pressure problems, pain, stiffness in joints, tumors, neurological failure and many other diseases. For detoxification to take place in our body, it is important that our body is nourished with alkalizing foods, fresh made juices and botanical herbs, so that our body will gradually remove the acid foods and food residues from bad food habits in our life.
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Detoxification is very important for the body to acquire true healing since we are aware on how the world is becoming toxic because the air we breathe is contaminated with health threatening components, the things we eat and drink are genetically modified or sprayed with chemical pesticides, the cosmetics we used on our skin are made of acidic ingredients, and the treatment of the symptoms using pharmaceutical drugs tend to suppress the health of the body.The 10 Best Resources For Products