5 Things To Remember When Using Laser Pointers
It’s a big concern in the public to apply caution when using high powered laser pointers and something that just can’t be overlooked. Despite its brilliant beams, the use of high powered laser pointers and portable lasers as well can bring dangers to the eyes.
These pointers represent real dangers to the eyes. The visual receptors of your eyes are part of central nervous system which means that if it gets damaged, then they would not be able to heal or recover. Contrary to what you think, these laser pointers aren’t actually bringing immense amount of power. This is true especially when you try to compare it to normal 75 or 100mW light globe. Well, if that is the case, how come these pointers become a danger to one’s eyes? The answer to that lies into 2 unique properties of the pointers.
Number. 1 focused and coherent – the energy coming from the pointers are concentrated on a very small area much like the way how a magnifying glass is focusing the sun.
Number 2. Collimated – because of the reason that the light is not spreading from the laser after it’s released, it is what making it a real danger especially when pointed at close distance.
This doesn’t literally say that you must steer clear from using laser pointers rather, you have to learn how to treat it right and carefully. After all, you can easily avoid dealing with the dangers of such by following basic guidelines which will ensure everyone’s safety.
Tip number 1. No matter what you are doing, it is never nice to point the laser to anyone, particularly straight in their eyes.
Tip number 2. Don’t look directly to the beam of the laser under any circumstances, even if it is only a low powered laser. You probably do not want to take your chances, given the fact that you may possibly lose your vision.
Tip number 3. You must be aware and conscious of reflective surfaces around you when using laser pointers like polished metals, mirrors or even glass. It’s due to the reason that the beam may reflect and cause harm to your eyes.
Tip number 4. Like what’s mentioned earlier, you have to practice caution when using laser, ideally in a controlled environment.
Tip number 5. Unless someone who plans to borrow your pointer knows how to use it and dangers that come with them, don’t let anyone borrow it.
As long as you follow these 5 simple rules, you will be fine in using laser pointers.
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