Web Design: Simple Steps Today, a lot of web designers feel the need to create web pages with a lot of style and for that it does not do anything but rather create barriers for the web user to use the website freely which will eventually turn out that the web user will leave the website forever. Most often, these “website introduction are sort flash based movies that simply showcase the designer’s flash design skill that simply does not do anything but rather a distraction. Flash animation is a big thing today and it can really impress web users due to its flashy page. But it is also important to understand that the main goal of the website design is to deliver information for the web user or be able to deliver an action through the website. When you have a flashy webpage, it only slows down the web users process which in turn will leave your website for good. With the placement of your advertising banner, you have to remember the saying “less is more” and you have to apply it on your web design. When you only have one banner on your website, it shows that it will have more value and profitable than those who have several advertising banners on their website. Don’t you know that when you only have a single space for advertising banners, this becomes very appealing to any advertisers and for that you have to fill your space with information that are very useful to the web users. Here is another tip that is very useful, and that is to surround your banner with advertising banners with highly useful information as much as possible as this will give potential advertisers eyeing for your space. You may own the world fastest bike but you do not know how to ride it, it will surely be a waste. The same goes for your website. For a website owners, he or she may be able to invest on thousands of website design, logo design, flash design, funky animation, splash page and whole other design to make the website look good but if this hampers the users inability to use or browse the website for its content, purchase product then it is totally a huge waste. Keeping it simple and have effective navigation design should be the core in every web design. Having a good navigation to your website is the key to success.
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Size dos not matter at this point, what is important is that your website should be consistent to ensure that your web user will be able to navigate without any hassle and be able to find what they are looking for without going through each of your pages. It should apply to all from having simple navigation to the location of our menus.5 Takeaways That I Learned About Companies