
I’m pleased to announce that the 2022 Stackies: Martech Stack Awards are now open for entries for the next eight weeks — until midnight Pacific on Friday, April 29. There is no fee to enter. In fact, for each qualified entry, we — this year, the awards hosts are myself from chiefmartec.com and Frans Riemersma from MartechTribe — will donate $100 to a worthy cause. More on that in a bit.
But first, what are The Stackies, you ask? And why should you enter them?
The Stackies are one the most educational awards program in marketing. Each year, dozens of organizations enter a 16×9 slide that visualizes their “marketing stack” — the collection of martech software they use — and how they think about its structure. We then publish them all, ungated, for everyone in marketing to learn from these examples.
Over seven years, this has generated a collection of hundreds of marketing stacks — see stacks from 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 — that have helped tens of thousands of marketers better understand marketing technology systems.

In addition to helping the marketing community, participants in The Stackies:
- Discover the scope and structure of their marketing stack
- Create a great slide to explain their stack to stakeholders
- Reward their martech vendors with recognition in their stack
- Attract marketing talent to work with their stack
- Promote their brand across the marketing industry
- Raise money for charity (we donate $100 for each qualified entry)
To participate, create a 16:9 slide that illustrates the way you conceptualize your marketing stack — the different tools you use, but more importantly, how you think about the way they fit together.
It doesn’t have to be a fancy work of art (even though some entries are). Simply sharing the composition and basic organization of your stack is an immensely valuable contribution to the community. We all learn from the collective patterns that emerge.
You can create your slide in PowerPoint, Google Slides, or any other program. Just export the final slide as a 1600×900 pixel JPG, PNG, or GIF image or a 16:9 PDF.
Upload your slide here before midnight PST on Friday, April 29, 2022.
There’s no fee to enter. In fact, for every qualified entry (e.g., a meaningful stack slide), we donate $100 to charity. Previously, we’d supported organizations such as Girls Who Code and COOP Careers to help expand diversity in technical marketing roles. However, under the circumstances this year, we’ve decided to make the donations to the International Rescue Committee, up to a total of $10,000, to help support refugees from the conflict in Ukraine.
After collecting all the entries, we will publish a deck of all stacks and host a celebratory online awards ceremony on Tuesday, May 3. (More details about what will be happening that day in my next post.)
Thank you in advance to those of you who participate and share your stack with the martech community!
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