Multitasking Skills You Can Adopt In Your Small BusinessKuza Blog

Shaun H. Ruff


Most of the time when one starts up a business, they find themselves running almost every activity as everything becomes rolled up as one because their business is a one-man or one-woman show.

This can be quite challenging given on a daily basis, there is plenty of work to be done within a very limited time making multitasking a hugely important skill to possess as an entrepreneur.

Do not fret people have done it before and so can you. Not everybody is natural at this but the good news is that effective multitasking can be learned.

In fact, the secret to multitasking is not in trying to do everything at the same time, instead, it is about doing things effectively.

The following are some techniques and concepts you can utilize and master to enable you to get more tasks done and maximize your output.

Planning and setting your priorities well

Planning and setting your priorities well

Remember, in the beginning, your small business will need much of your attention to grow and if you do not multitask well, there is a high possibility that your productivity will drop.

You, therefore, need to do proper planning by listing your priorities down so that instead of attacking everything at once, you can take time first to write your tasks down. 

You can create broad goals and fill them with smaller, doable ones, then create a plan with realistic deadlines for each item on the list. 

This way, you can stay focused for longer, and you have a structured checklist of what has been done and what hasn’t. You can even mark your progress as you move along.

Careful time management

Careful time management

After having written down your plans and prioritize your activities accordingly, your next focus should be on time management and there are several ways to approach this.

This includes time-blocking which is deciding in advance what you will be doing for each part of the day, for instance, spelling out well what you want to achieve in the early hours of the morning, let’s say, 8-10 am. 

You can time-block your entire day to ensure you achieve all the activities you set for that particular day.

In this digital era, you do not need much paperwork to achieve this. Today, there are a number of time management apps that can help you get a hold of your schedule.

Create breaks

Create breaks

Yes, we are often told that their business should be a 24-hour obsession but you do not want to turn yourself into a robot or a machine. You are still a human being who gets tired.

Remember, multitasking requires large amounts of brain activity, and if you push things too far, you will focus less and perform your tasks inefficiently.

This is why you need a break and you need to find a method that suits you, and stick to it. However, this should not be an excuse to start postponing what you ought to do within a particular time.

Generally, you might feel as though you are wasting time when so many things need to be done, but taking breaks will always enable a better end result.


Avoid distractions

Avoid distractions

You have a timeline to achieve a specific task. Destructions will be the main problem that will lead you to procrastination which is particularly dangerous for entrepreneurs.

Constant distractions from phone calls, text messages, and emails will result in zero focus and frustrations hence do all you can to put off any forms of destruction.

Put similar tasks together

Put similar tasks together

When listing your daily activities according to their priorities, it is good to review them to group together tasks that are similar.

This will save you time and get the sense of having achieved more and will feel less shaken when switching between tasks.

Set realistic goals

Set realistic goals

Consider being realistic with what you want to achieve within a given time. 

Generally, when time runs out and you find yourself with nothing to tick off, then it means that you encountered many destructions but more often it is due to unrealistic tasks and deadlines.

To solve this, try to divide each large task into smaller portions and set yourself a more achievable timeframe. 

This way, you can get more done, and you will feel much better when you see your to-do list getting shorter.


Last word

Last word

Even though multitasking is good as it will help you get ahead of things and maximize your productivity, there are certain times juggling your focus is not recommended.

For instance, in case you are engaged in a task with a vast implication such as writing a proposal or a contract for a potential client or supplier, it is best to block out all distractions and focus your energy and concentration on that one task.


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