Change Up Your Sales Pitch

Shaun H. Ruff


Change Up Your Sales Pitch

It’s apparent that sales force people need to change up how they deliver their sales pitch. There are times where you come across a certain statistic and it makes you stop, think and reevaluate at times. This statistic was shared on the second slide of the presentation: 72% of B2B buyers prefer to deal with salespeople without any interaction at all. This is not “just a little” or “only a little,” but “no interaction at all.” The figure looked even bleaker when viewed in context of what the slide was attempting to depict.

Ages were separated on the slide. A majority of Baby Boomers prefer to speak with salespeople – half even said it was their favorite activity. Millennials and Gen Xers, on the other hand, hated the idea of talking to a salesperson so much that they were responsible for pushing the overall result to three out of four. 

A salesperson would find that to be quite sobering. However, we can also immediately understand why they may have felt that way.

I think this statistic can be explained in two simple ways. And I believe all salespeople have something to learn from it. Let’s start with the explanations.

It was already difficult for customers, especially in a complex field like B2B, to speak to salespeople prior to the pandemic. How come? Whenever you talk to a salesperson, you may feel like you are on your worst date ever.


Change Up Your Sales Pitch!




It is not uncommon for salespeople to talk about themselves first during their sales pitch, then ask questions. We need to change that up. Imagine getting inside a stranger’s car and hearing: “I have a PowerPoint presentation for you to look at on my favorite subject: me.” It’s because buyers learn certain behaviors, such as tuning out or saying they wouldn’t like to hear from them. The way salespeople are typically perceived by buyers is similar to what Charlie Brown’s teacher was like: not saying anything meaningful, just saying noise.


In addition, many people stayed home for more than two years due to a pandemic. Consider how many LinkedIn requests, pointless emails, or automated texts and calls buyers have received. Rather than an extra bit of noise, there’s a symphony of wasted time and superficial attempts to connect. They reacted instinctively and turned off the noise completely, not just tuning it out.




If you thought before that buyer were reluctant to speak with salespeople, imagine how they feel today. 

While this may sound harsh, the reason is because we know how easy it is for salespeople to change the attitude of buyers toward them and help themselves. You just have to shift your mindset a little bit.




There is nothing wrong with salespeople talking about themselves, their businesses, and all the solutions they might bring to a relationship. This is perfectly acceptable. In fact, they should. 

However, there are times when it is right and times when it is wrong. A salesperson’s own story is only relevant to customers when it is relevant to them. Those are the essential moments when salespeople can truly get to know their clients.

Sure, it’s very discouraging to hear that 72% of the people you’re trying to sell to would rather never see your face or hear your voice. It’s still going to be difficult for them, especially in a complicated world like this. You will be able to tell the difference by how you use the precious time you have at your disposal.

Would you like to fill that time with everything about you and your company that you have ever wanted to tell them? Could you avoid stereotypical salespeople pitfalls and thereby stand out from the crowd?




However, you choose, at least you no longer have to pretend that the customer wants to hear what you have to say. They have made their answers to that question crystal clear when given the chance to speak for themselves. What you choose to do with that information now rests with you.

MCDA CCG offers a wide range of services to companies and business individuals, one of them being business coaching sessions. During these sessions we can guide you through how to correctly and effectively do a sales pitch to guarantee earned business.




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