Top Branding Tips for Startups

Shaun H. Ruff

For a small scale business, branding is the most important thing. Without branding, you will not be able to gain the trust of the potential clients. You do the branding right and you will be flying off towards success. However, if you get this wrong, you will not be able to sustain for a long time. Jonathan Disegi is a brand strategist. He has worked as a brand strategy director for a long time. He has helped a lot of businesses gain the exposure proper branding strategy can get you.

Branding is an expensive option. Everyone has this mental set up. However, this is not so. There are small branding strategies which you can follow to gain exposure in the market. These don’t require a lot of expenditure. Yet, to begin with, you can try your hands on these strategies.

Before you hire a brand management company, it is important that you define your brand. You need to know what you want from the product that you are selling says Jonathan Disegi. He has seen a hundred startups jumping into a branding strategy without any defined idea about what they want from the branding. Do you want exposure? Do you want to get the attention of the people? Or, do you just want to gain fame? Think about it. Once you have hired a company, you cannot change your vision. If you are confused about the right approach, make sure to have a discussion with a professional. Someone who has experience in offering brand strategy will be able to help you in this regard.

The instinct of the startup is to copy others. They don’t want to create their own strategy. They just want a wonder plan which will gain them automatic success. Such plans don’t exist. You need to work on the branding strategy. You need to turn your product into a brand. This takes hard work. Any branding expert will tell you to go original. Don’t copy others strategy as such approach don’t breed success.

Voice is important. It is not just something which writers use. This is something everyone needs. Your brand too needs a voice. Do you want a masculine voice or do you want a chatty voice which talks to people. It is all about how you want to interact with the people. The language, the tone of the posts and the rhythm, everything is important here. You need to remember this when you are creating your brand strategy.

One thing every small scale business owners need to realize is – networking is the most important tool which can get you the required exposure. Also, through networking, you would be able to get a lot of business. Networking can be a powerful tool which can help you establish your brand and grow your clients.

Customer service is one of the best things which you can offer to your clients. Nothing can beat customer service. If your clients see that you offer them decent service, they will keep coming back to you.

Branding can be complicated. Therefore, you would need the assistance of an experienced like Jonathan Disegi to sail through the process smoothly.

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